The Regular Slotted Carton RSC is the most common and economical box style to manufacture. All flaps of a RSC are the same length and meet at the center of the box.
The Full Overlap Cartons FOL outer flaps overlap, which makes it unusually resistant to rough handling. The FOL box design enables it to be stacked on bottom panel the full flaps provide additional protection, thickness provides added Stocking […]
International Box Code . Overlap slotted containers all flaps are the same depth, and the outer flaps overlap by one inch or more. This type is useful when the box length is much greater than the width resulting […]
The corrugated carton tray is a high quality, providing functional and efficient packaging for the special needs of the agricultural sector.It provides flexibility and responsiveness of supply to protect a clean and safe packaging.
Half Slotted Carton with LID:- International Box Code . The Half-Slotted Carton HSC with cover is a combination shipping and shelf package. The HSC has great resistance to buckling when stacked and is handy in applications where the […]